
Claybrooke Primary School


We have been successful in gaining the Leicestershire’s E Safety Award. 


Awarded to Claybrooke Primary School. The Leicestershire Schools’ E-safety Award demonstrates outstanding practice in E-Safety. The award is externally validated by the local authority. Schools have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of their pupils, including their use of digital and mobile technology, including the internet. Parents and carers rightly expect schools to equip their children with the skills to manage the very real risks associated with living in a digital age.

E-Safety Information

Whilst the internet is a great resource for children and adults alike, it is important to remember that children still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online.


As part of our Computing curriculum we regularly look at safety and cyber bullying.  We provide children with strategies to stay safe whilst reminding them of the rules of using the Internet responsibly.


On this page you will find links to websites, articles and leaflets that will help you, as parents, to keep your child safe and to assist them with using the internet responsibly.


Useful Links to Helpful Websites


CEOP is the government’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre, if you wish to report some inappropriate content or behaviour then click on the button and follow the directions on their pages.




Helpful Leaflets

