Claybrooke Primary School is an academy within Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust. The Trust Board of Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust is accountable in law for all decisions about its academies. For more information about the Trustees and documents relating to the Trust, please follow this link - IPAT
The Trust Board delegates responsibility for aspects of governance to local governing bodies. The Local Governing Body of Claybrooke Primary School shares its membership roles with Dunton Bassett Primary School. Our Local Governing Body has a strategic role in ensuring the both schools achieve good outcomes for our pupils and that they are compliant with statutory and Trust policies and procedures.
The Local Governing Body is:
Hugo Venter - Parent Governor (Claybrooke) - Chair of Governors
Elizabeth Hill - Parent Governor (Dunton Bassett)
Luke Demery - Parent Governor (Claybrooke)
Estia Fawbert - Parent Governor (Claybrooke)
Caroline Chick - Staff Governor (Claybrooke)
Gordon Grimes - Clerk to Governing Body
Also in attendance:
Paul Rock - Head of School. Claybrooke Primary School
Lee Evans - Executive Principal. Dunton Bassett Primary School